This contract is about the sale of electricity to you as a residential consumer to your premises. It is a standard retail contract that sets out the terms and conditions upon which we supply electricity to you and the charges to be paid by you for such supply. The contract starts without you having to sign a written document agreeing to these terms and conditions. In addition to this contract, the electricity laws and other consumer laws that contain rules about the sale of electricity, we will comply with these rules in our dealings with you. For example, the Electricity Act, its subsidiary legislation, market rules, relevant electricity codes and the Code of Conduct for Retail Electricity Licensees (collectively termed ‘the Rules’) set out specific rights and obligations about electricity supply, metering, settlement, marketing, payment obligations and options available for consumers after the retail contract expires or terminates prematurely.


This contract is between: PacificLight Energy Pte Ltd who sells electricity to you at your premises (in this contract referred to as “we”, “our” or “us”); and You, the customer to whom this contract applies (in this contract referred to as “you” or “your”).

  • Terms used in this contract have the same meanings as they have in the Rules. However, for ease of reference, a simplified explanation of some terms is given at the end of this contract.
  • Where the simplified explanations given at the end of this contract differ from the definitions in the Rules, the definitions in the Rules prevail.

3.1 When does this contract start?

This contract starts on the Contract Date.
Should you not be able to provide us with the required information for our processing of your application and transfer of your accounts from SP Group or from any other electricity retailers to us, the actual Supply Start Date may be later than the date stated in our contract with you. Consequently, the actual Supply End Date will also be delayed accordingly. We will notify you within 2 business days via telephone/email/SMS/IMA on the status of the transfer and the actual Supply Start Date (if transfer is successful). If the transfer has failed, we will inform you on the action(s) required on your part to make the transfer successful, and an indication of the next transfer date.

3.2 When does this contract end?

  • This contract ends:
    • on the actual Supply End Date when, we notify you via email/letter/SMS/IMA at least 10 business days prior to the Supply End Date either that:
      1. (1) the contract shall not be renewed and shall expire on the Supply End Date; or
      2. (2) the contract shall be automatically renewed, and you have indicated to us your desired electricity purchase option before the Supply End Date; or
    • if you give us a notice stating that you wish to end the contract or close your account on a date specified by us (with sufficient notice and unhindered access to meters given to SP Group); or
    • if a different consumer starts to buy electricity for the premises—on the date that your accounts have been transferred out from us; or
    • if the electricity supply to the premises are disconnected and have not been reconnected pursuant to Clause 14; or
    • if we terminate this contract in exercise of our rights under Clause 13.1.
    • Where we have notified you that the contract shall not be renewed and shall expire on the Supply End Date, you shall be entitled to inform us of your option to either purchase electricity from another retailer or the Market Support Services Licensee (“MSSL”) by the Supply End Date. Should you choose not to do anything nor notify us of your desired electricity purchase option by the Supply End Date, we shall be entitled to deem that you have agreed to purchase electricity from the MSSL with effect from the day immediately following the Supply End Date.
    • Where we have notified you that the contract shall be automatically renewed with effect from the end date, you shall be entitled to inform us not to proceed with the renewal of this contract by the Supply End Date. Should you choose not to do anything nor notify us of your desired electricity purchase option by the Supply End Date, this contract shall be automatically renewed for another contract term (“renewed term”) of similar duration to the initial term of this contract (eg. 2 years). For the renewed term, we shall bill you for your electricity usages at the prevailing plan of similar duration as published on our website at the point of the renewal.
  • Where the contract is automatically renewed in accordance with Clause 3.2a.i.(2) and 3.2b.ii., within the first 30 calendar days from the start of the renewed term, you may terminate the renewed contract and not be liable for any termination charges provided that you have given us sufficient notice for your instruction to transfer your account to SP Group on the regulated tariff, or request to have your account closed and supply disconnected, or you have instructed another retailer to transfer your account to them within the first 30 calendar days from the start of the renewed term.

    If you terminate the renewed contract after the first 30 calendar days from the start of the renewed term, you will be liable to pay termination charges.
  • Rights and obligations accrued before the end of this contract continue despite the end of the contract. To avoid doubt, accrued obligations to pay amounts to us include the charges payable under Clause 9 and Clause 13.2.

3.3 Vacating your premises

  • If you are vacating your premises, you must provide your forwarding address to us for your final bill. Until you do, we are entitled to rely on the last address provided to us for the purposes of Clause 8 and/or Clause 16.
  • When we receive your notice that you are vacating your premises, we will send an account closure request to SP Group with an effective date of closure being the date specified in your notice. We will bill you on any account closure fee imposed by SP Group.
  • Upon closure of your account, we shall send a final bill to you at the forwarding address stated in your notice.
  • You will continue to be responsible for all applicable charges for the premises until your contract ends.


4.1 What is covered by this contract?

  • Under this contract we agree to sell you electricity for your premises. We also agree to meet other obligations set out in this contract and to comply with the Rules.
  • In return, you agree:
    • to be responsible for paying the charges for electricity supplied to the premises until this contract ends even if you vacate the premises earlier; and
    • to pay the amounts billed by us under this contract; and
    • to meet your obligations under this contract and/or the Rules.

4.2 What is not covered by this contract?

This contract does not cover the physical connection of your premises to the distribution system, including any metering equipment and the maintenance of that connection and the physical supply of electricity to your premises. This is the role of SP Group under a separate contract called a consumer connection agreement.


5.1 Full information

You voluntarily give us any information we reasonably require for the purposes of this contract. The information must be correct, and you must not mislead or deceive us in relation to any information provided to us. As electricity supply is an important service that should be transacted by you, you agree and understand that we require your complete and accurate information from you (including your personal data) and it is reasonable for us to collect the same in order to identify you to a high degree of fidelity for the purposes of this contract.

5.2 Updating information

You must tell us promptly if any of the information that you have provided to us changes, including changes (if any) to if your billing address changes. Should the use of your premises be, or become solely for the purposes of running a business, you will need to inform us immediately because a different set of terms and conditions shall apply accordingly and your premises will need to be installed with an AMI meter.

5.3 Use of your information

We shall not disclose your information to any person unless you have given us your consent via email or letter or over the telephone (including recorded conversation, SMS, IMA), or where we are permitted or required to disclose your information:

  • for the purpose of contracting with you for the supply of electricity to your premises;
  • for the provision of customer service support, billing, and/or collections purposes;
  • to facilitate the operation of a retail electricity market or a wholesale electricity market;
  • to the Transmission Licensee or to the Market Support Services Licensee (eg. SP Group);
  • for law enforcement purposes;
  • for the purpose of complying with a legal requirement;
  • for the purpose of complying with the Rules;
  • for the purpose of carrying out credit checks and/or verification of other information about you (where such information may be provided to a service provider (e.g. a credit bureau) and other members and/or subscribers of such service provider);
  • for the purpose of recovering any debt due under this contract;
  • for the purpose of audits and/or the improvement of internal processes;
  • if you have so consented, for marketing purposes regarding our products and services that we and/or our partners provide and information regarding our promotions and events; or
  • for such other purposes allowed under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012.
  • The quality and reliability of your electricity supply is subject to a variety of factors that are beyond our control as your retailer, including accidents, emergencies, weather conditions, vandalism, system demand, the technical limitations of the distribution system and the acts of other persons, including at the direction of a relevant authority.
  • To the extent permitted by law, we give no condition, warranty or undertaking, and we make no representation to you, about the condition or suitability of electricity, its quality, fitness for purpose or safety, other than those set out in this contract.
  • SP Group as Transmission Licensee is responsible for maintaining the Network in good working order and condition. We shall therefore not be responsible and accept no liability for any failure or defect in the supply of electricity to the premises whatsoever and however caused or for any loss or damage that you may suffer as a result of the total or partial failure to supply electricity to your premises, which includes any loss or damage you may suffer as a result of the defective supply of electricity.

7.1 What are our price plans and charges?

  • Our tariffs and charges under this contract are based on our price plans available to you at the point in time when you contract with us. We vary our plans and promotions from time to time. Our published prices are inclusive of some regulated charges from SP Group (such as recurring MSS charges, Use of System charges), transmission losses, carbon tax, and goods and services tax (GST).
  • We will bill you for any ad-hoc charges stipulated in this contract or imposed by SP Group should it apply to you (for example, meter installation charge, meter testing charge, account closure charge, meter reading and data management charge if monthly usage is lower than 60 kWh). A deduction failure fee of $1.09 (incl. of 9% GST) will be levied on each GIRO or recurring card deduction failure. If you have chosen paper to receive paper bills instead of the e-bill option, a paper bill fee of $3.27 (incl. of 9% GST) per bill will be applicable. If you choose to pay by cheque, please note that a bank fee of $0.82 (incl. of 9% GST) is applicable for each cheque deposit into bank account and we will bill you this fee in the next bill.
  • If there are any changes to the GST rate, we will bill you at the revised prices based on the new GST rate starting from its effective date as announced by the relevant authority.

7.2 Changes to price plans and contractual terms

  • If we change our standard terms and conditions, we will publish the revised version of our standard terms and conditions on our website on/before it starts.
  • If the price plan has a fixed contract duration, we do not allow for any change of price plan once the contract starts.

7.3 Variation of pricing and terms

We will not make any amendment to any pricing and payment provisions and/or the contract duration unless such amendment pertains to the regulated charges imposed by SP Group, regulated or market-related charges imposed by EMA or the Energy Market Company, government fees/taxes imposed directly on electricity consumption, for compliance with the relevant Rules, or any subsequent increase in our costs in the purchase or sale of electricity and/or services to you due to any decision of any government authority or regulated licensee (such as, EMA, EMC, MSSL, PSO and SP Group), including but not limited to a change in the market structure to that of a Forward Capacity Market. However, we are allowed to introduce new applicable charges approved by the relevant authority, and will bill you when such charges are applicable. We will notify you at least 10 business days before such charges take effect.

7.4 Changes to regulated tariff during a billing cycle

If a tariff applying to you changes during a billing cycle, we will calculate your next bill on a proportionate basis.

7.5 Goods & Services Tax (GST) and other taxes

GST and any applicable government taxes will be billed to you accordingly. We will not bill you carbon tax separately.

7.6 U-Save rebates

U-Save rebates is part of the GST Voucher scheme introduced by the Singapore Government for eligible residential consumers to offset their utilities bills. If you are eligible for U-Save rebates, we will reflect the remaining U-Save rebate amount for offsetting your electricity charges according to the rebate amount provided by SP Group.

Should you notice that the remaining rebate amount is less than your entitlement under the GST Voucher scheme, this is because SP Group has utilised the U-Save rebate against your other utilities charges which should be reflected in their bill to you.

If you notice any discrepancies in the U-Save rebate reflected in our bill to you, please email us with a copy of your SP Group bill reflecting the U-Save rebate amount, and we will seek clarification on the discrepancy with SP Group. We will revert to you as soon as we receive a reply from them.

7.7 Rebates, Lucky Draws and Gifts in Promotions

All rebates, prizes, gifts or vouchers offered in any lucky draw or promotion shall be:

  • where a rebate is concerned, such rebate shall be credited into your electricity bill, which will offset PacificLight electricity charges payable by you;
  • where prizes, gifts or vouchers are concerned, shall be forfeited if not collected by you by the deadline stipulated in our correspondence to you;
  • in no event be exchangeable for cash, credit or any other products or services unless otherwise stated in writing by us;
  • non-transferable and non-assignable, and may not be carried forward to the benefit of any renewed contract save where we have expressly agreed to do so in writing;
  • subject to our right to disqualify, terminate, blacklist, reject and/or claim back the value of your entitlement if we are of the opinion that you have breached this contract; and
  • subject to its own terms and conditions made available on the website at the relevant validity period of such rebate and/or promotion.

8.1 General

We will send a bill to you as soon as possible after the end of each billing cycle, and we will issue the final bill to you within 12 business days upon receiving the invoice from SP Group on your usages and charges.

We will send the bill:

  • to you at the email address or IMA nominated by you; or
  • if you opt for hard copy bills, to the mailing address nominated by you; or
  • to a person authorised in writing by you to act on your behalf at the address specified by you.

If we are unable to issue the final bill to you within such period, we will notify you via email/SMS/IMA/phone of the expected date of issuance of the final bill.

8.2 Calculating the bill

The bills that we send to you (‘your bills’) will be calculated on:

  • the amount of electricity consumed at your premises during the billing cycle (using information obtained from reading your meter or otherwise in accordance with the Rules); and
  • the amount of fees and charges for any other services provided under this contract during the billing cycle; and
  • the charges payable for services provided by SP Group, including connection charges if you have asked for a new connection or connection alteration and have not made alternative arrangements with SP Group; and
  • any applicable ad-hoc charges pursuant to Clause 7.1b.

8.3 Estimating the electricity usage

  • SP Group may estimate the amount of electricity consumed at your premises if your meter cannot be read, or if your metering data is not obtained (for example, if access to the meter is not given or the meter breaks down or is faulty).
  • If SP Group estimates the amount of electricity consumed at your premises to calculate a bill, we shall:
    • state on the bill usage graph that it is an estimate; and
    • when your meter is later read, adjust your bill for the difference between the estimate and the electricity actually used.

8.4 Your historical billing information

We provide you with online access (via portal/mobile app) to your past 12 months bills free of charge. However, we may charge you if you require information going back more than 12 months, or if you request for hardcopies to be printed and sent to you. Additional charge on your historical billing information is $21.80 (incl. of 9% GST) per request on each premise. Charge on print and mailing of hardcopy bills is $3.27 per bill (incl. of 9% GST).


9.1 What you have to pay

You must pay to us the amount shown on each bill by the date for payment (the due date) on the bill. The due date will be no later than 14 calendar days from the date on which we issue your bill if you are not paying by recurring card deductions. If you are paying by recurring card deductions, your monthly payment will automatically be charged to your card account on the bill date and you only need to pay your bills by your card statement due date. You must ensure that you have sufficient funds / credit limit in your bank / card account.

9.2 Issue of reminder notices

If you have not paid your bill by the due date, we will send you a reminder notice via email and/or text message that payment is required within the next 2 calendar days.

9.3 Difficulties in paying

  • If you have difficulties paying your bill, you should contact us as soon as possible.
  • We may transfer your accounts with us to SP Group temporarily until such time that you have fully paid up your outstanding bills to us. You will continue to receive electricity supply from SP Group unless you have also breached your obligations with them.

9.4 Late payment charge

If you have not paid your bill by the payment due date, you will be billed for late payment charge on your next bill computed at the prevailing rate of 27.80% per annum, calculated daily from the date of transaction until receipt of full payment.

  • You must allow safe and unhindered access to your premises for the purposes of reading and maintaining the meters (where relevant).
  • Meter reading is carried out by SP Group in accordance to their meter reading schedule and they will estimate your usages if required in compliance with the Rules; and
  • We will rely on such meter readings and such estimates as advised by SP Group as final and conclusive for billing purposes.

11.1 Undercharging

If we have undercharged you in a bill (“1st bill”), we will include such charges that you still owe under the 1st bill, in a subsequent bill to you, for settlement.

11.2 Overcharging

  • Where you have been overcharged by us and you have already paid the overcharged amount to us, we will upon discovery of the occurence, credit that amount so overcharged to your account in your next bill.
  • If your account with us has closed and full settlement of the final bill has been made, any subsequent credit adjustment posted into your account will be processed in accordance to Clause 12.3b.

11.3 Reviewing your bill

  • If you disagree with the amount that you have been charged, you can contact us and provide us with the relevant details of the amount for our review.
  • If you ask us to, we will arrange with SP Group for a check of the meter reading, metering data, or for a test of the meter in reviewing the bill. You will be liable for the cost of the check or test and we may request payment in advance. However, if the meter or metering data proves to be faulty or incorrect, we must reimburse you for the amount paid.
  • If your bill is being reviewed, you are still required to pay all charges from us that are due for payment.
  • If required, we will make the necessary bill adjustments in the subsequent bill once SP Group has confirmed your usages in accordance with Clause 10.

12.1 Security deposit

  • We may require that you provide a security deposit to us. The circumstances in which we can require a security deposit and the maximum amount of the security deposit are governed by the Rules.
  • We reserve the right to increase the amount (“Increased Amount”) of security deposit to the maximum amount allowed under the Rules so long as the security deposit amount in your account is not more than 2 times of your average monthly bill amount (in the last 12 months or lesser).

If you have provided a deposit under Clause 12.1a., you must provide us with the Increased Amount in the form of cash as a security deposit.

You shall pay the Increased Amount to us no later than 14 days (or such other time as we may reasonably determine) from the date that we notify you of such payment.

12.2 Use of a security deposit

  • We may use your security deposit or any part thereof (as the case may be) to offset any amount that you owe to us under this contract:
    • if you fail to pay a bill and as a result we terminate the contract; or
    • in relation to a final bill (i.e. a bill we issue when you stop purchasing electricity from us for your premises).
  • You agree that if you owe any sum to us under any other contract, such sum may be deemed by us as a sum that you owe to us under this contract and that we may at any time use all or part of the security deposit as payment by you of such sum.
  • If we use the security deposit or any part of it, you shall, within 7 days of our notification, provide an additional amount of cash deposit such that the total amount of security deposit shall be maintained at the amount set out under “Section One: Specific Conditions of Contract”.

12.3 Return of security deposit

  • We will credit the amount of the security deposit to offset against the outstanding charges in our final bill to you.
  • Any credit balance after offsetting your security deposit may either be utilised by us to offset outstanding amounts in any of your other accounts with us, or be refunded to you within 1 month from your full settlement of the final bill if you do not have any other accounts with us.


13.1 When can we terminate / arrange for discontinuation?

Upon giving you at least 10 business days’ notice, we will transfer your accounts to SP Group for their further action, which may include the disconnection of supply if:

  • you do not pay your bill by the due date; or
  • you do not provide us with the security deposit that we are entitled to require from you; or
  • your usage in the last 3 months remains at less than 10kWh and you are not on a no-contract plan; or
  • there has been illegal or fraudulent use of electricity at your premises in breach of Clause 15 of this contract; or
  • you have become a bankrupt; or
  • you have either provided your essential personal data incompletely or inaccurately or you wish to withdraw any part of the same; or
  • we are otherwise entitled or required to do so under this contract, the Rules or by law.

13.2 Termination charges

If you choose to terminate the contract before the actual Supply End Date for any reason other than our breach, or if you breach any of your obligations under this contract which results in a termination before the end of this contract, the termination charges stipulated in the contract will be payable by you to cover our losses. The termination charges are as stipulated in the initial pages of the contract.

13.3 Billing by SP Group

Once your accounts have been transferred to SP Group under Clause 13.1, SP Group is required under the Rules to bill you at such tariffs stipulated under Clause 21.1a. or b., or as per the Rules (as may be amended from time to time) by the relevant authority.

  • We can request SP Group to reconnect the electricity supply to your premises if:
    • you ask us to arrange for the reconnection of electricity supply to your premises; and
    • you have rectified the matter that led to the disconnection of the electricity supply; and
    • you pay any reconnection charge impose by us or SP Group.
  • We may terminate this contract following disconnection of electricity supply if you do not meet the requirements in paragraph (a) and you shall be liable for the termination charges.

15.1 Use of electricity

You must not:

  • illegally use electricity supplied to your premises; or
  • allow electricity purchased from us to be used otherwise than in accordance with this contract and the Rules; or
  • tamper with, or permit tampering with, any meters or associated equipment owned by SP Group and/or us.
  • Notices and bills under this contract shall be sent electronically via email/IMA, unless this contract says otherwise. Notices sent electronically via email is taken to have been received by you or by us on the date of transmission (unless the sender receives notice that delivery did not occur or has been delayed).
  • A notice or bill sent otherwise than electronically is taken to have been received by you or by us (as the case may be):
    • on the date it is handed to the party, left at the party’s premises (in your case) or our office (in our case) or successfully faxed to the party (which occurs when the sender receives a transmission report to that effect); or
    • on the date it is posted.
  • Your contact details shall be as you have notified to us in accordance with Clause 5. Our contact details for you to contact us or send us a notice are as set out in our bill to you, or as published on our website.

We will comply with all relevant legislation in relation to your personal data including compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012. You can find a summary of our personal data protection policy on our website. If you have any questions, you can contact our Personal Data Protection Officer, whose contact details are also available on our website.

In addition to the permitted uses and disclosures expressly set out in our website, we will also use and disclose your personal information as permitted or required under Clause 5.3 and/or 21.


18.1 Complaints

If you have a complaint relating to the sale of electricity by us to you, or this contract generally, you may lodge a complaint with us in accordance with our standard complaints and dispute resolution procedures. Our standard complaints and dispute resolution procedure is available at

18.2 Our obligations in handling complaints

If you make a complaint, we will respond to your complaint within the required timeframes set out in our standard complaints procedures and inform you of the outcome of your complaint and the reasons for our decision.

If you are not satisfied with our response, you have a right to refer the complaint to the Consumer Association of Singapore (CASE) or the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC).

18.3 Mediation

  • You and we agree that before referring any dispute or difference to formal mediation, each of us will within 30 days of either of us becoming aware of the dispute, do our best to resolve the dispute or difference through amicable discussions.
  • For purposes of amicable discussions, you may contact our customer service officers as the first point of contact.
  • If the dispute cannot be resolved at this level, you and we agree to attempt resolving the dispute through formal mediation at either: the SMC; or CASE; in accordance with their respective prevailing rules and procedures.
  • If the dispute involves SP Group, we shall use reasonable endeavours to facilitate resolution of such dispute between you and SP Group.
  • Despite the preceding sub clauses in this Clause 18.3, you acknowledge that neither of us are legally obliged to attempt resolution through mediation.

19.1 Effect of force majeure event

If either party to this contract cannot meet an obligation under this contract because of a force majeure event:

  • the obligation, other than an obligation to pay money, is suspended to the extent it is affected by the force majeure event for as long as the force majeure event continues; and
  • the affected party must use its best endeavours to give the other party prompt notice of that fact.

The laws of Singapore govern this contract.


21.1 If we are no longer entitled by law to sell electricity to you due to a Retailer of Last Resort (RoLR) event occurring in relation to us (such date being the Default Supply Effective Date referred to in the Rules), then, unless you have contracted with and successfully transferred to another retailer or the SP Group before the Default Supply Effective Date, you shall be deemed to have agreed to purchase electricity from the SP Group with effect on and from the Default Supply Effective Date:

  • at such tariff as may be set from time to time by the SP Group for non-contestable consumers, if you are eligible to apply to cease your classification as a contestable consumer under the Rules; or
  • at the prevailing market prices for the purchase of electricity from any wholesale electricity market through the SP Group, if you do not fall within Clause 21.1a. above.

21.2 You are deemed to have consented to:

  • our applying for the cessation of your classification as a contestable consumer If you fall within Clause 21.1(a); and
  • our providing relevant information (including your name, billing address and contact details) to SP Group or the substitute retailer who is willing to accept novation of this contract on same or better terms & conditions; and
  • the transfer of your account to the SP Group or substitute retailer (under Clause 22.2) as they will continue to supply and bill you for your electricity usages.

21.3 Upon your account being successfully transferred to another retailer or the SP Group under Clause 21, this contract will come to an end. You will not be liable for termination charges arising from the RoLR event. However, you will still be liable for any lawful charges incurred up to the day immediately preceding the Default Supply Effective Date.

21.4 To avoid doubt, the physical supply of electricity to your premises will not be affected due to the occurrence of RoLR event.


22.1 Our obligations may be performed by another person appointed by us

We may appoint another person to perform some obligations placed on us under this contract.
If we do appoint another person to perform some of the obligations placed on us under this contract, then:

  • we are taken to have complied with the obligation if another person does it on our behalf; and
  • if the obligation is not complied with, we are still liable to you for the failure to comply with this contract.

22.2 Substitute retailer

  • We may substitute another retailer to perform all our obligations and exercise all our rights under this contract by giving you at least 11 business days’ notice before the effective date. In such event, you may elect to:
    • agree to such substitution, in which case You shall notify us of your election no later than 7 business days before the effective date of the substitution; or
    • reject the substitution and terminate the contract.
  • If you fail to respond with your election within the period set out in Clause 22.2(a) or you elect to novate the contract to another retailer but that option ceases to be available by the time you respond to us, then we shall transfer your accounts to SP Group and they shall bill you for your electricity usages based on Clause 21.1a. or b.
  • If there is a substitution, you agree to that the substitute retailer:
    • taking over all our obligations under this contract and being liable for any failure to perform the obligations; and
    • o being entitled to exercise all our rights under the contract.
  • a. If so required, you and we agree to enter into such further agreements or do such things as may be necessary for the substitute retailer to replace us in accordance with Clause 22.2c., and for you and we to be discharged from all further obligations to each other under this contract.
Simplified explanation of terms
  • “AMI” means Advanced Metering Infrastructure
  • “billing cycle” means the regular recurrent period for which you receive a bill from us;
  • “business day” means a working day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a public holiday;
  • “consumer” means a person who buys or wants to buy electricity from a retailer;
  • “consumer connection contract” means a contract between you and your distributor SP Group for the provision of connection services;
  • “Electricity Act” means the Electricity Act 2001;
  • “force majeure event” means an event or circumstance beyond the direct control or influence of you or us (as applicable) including acts of God, government orders, court orders, emergencies, Network breakdown, or insufficient volumes of electricity, or any other action by the Transmission Licensee or the PSO;
  • “GST” means Goods and Services Tax;
  • “IMA” means instant messaging application such as WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger, WeChat, and other similar mobile applications that enable the sending of notifications;
  • “Network” means the electricity transmission and distribution system in Singapore;
  • “PSO” means the Power System Operator;
  • “relevant authority” means any person or body who has the power under law to direct us, including the Energy Market Authority (EMA);
  • “residential consumer” means a person who purchases electricity for personal, household or domestic use at their premises;
  • “retailer” means a person that is authorised to sell electricity to consumers;
  • “RoLR event” means an event that triggers the operation of the Retailer of Last Resort scheme under the Rules;
  • “Rules” means the Electricity Act, its subsidiary legislation, market rules, relevant electricity codes and the Code of Conduct for Retail Electricity Licensees (including its modifications made by EMA from time to time which we will notify you when it arises);
  • “security deposit” means an amount of money paid to us as security against non-payment of bills and other charges payable under the contract;
  • “SMS” means short message service;
  • “SP Group” means Singapore Power Limited and all its subsidiaries including SP Services Limited, SP PowerGrid Limited, SP PowerAssets Limited;
  • “Transmission Licensee” means SP PowerAssets and SP PowerGrid or any successor or assign, which owns and operates the Network.

LAST UPDATED: 18 June 2024