If you have a monthly usage higher than 20,000kWh, click here.
12 Months
Rates before GST
24 Months
Rates before GST
36 Months
Rates before GST
Fixed Rate Plan
Budget your expenses all year round without any surprises.
Rest easy knowing that your monthly electricity rate remains the same throughout your contract period. We set the best rate for your business based on your average electricity consumption. This means that should oil and Forex prices or electricity tariffs rise, your electricity bill won’t.
Get in touch
Upon submitting your interest, a sales representative will collect the following
documents from you
to verify that your premise meets the requirements and assist you to sign up.
The published rates are valid from 5 to 28 February 2025, both dates inclusive. PacificLight reserves the right to alter the rates at any time during the validity period should the respective fuel and FX qualifier be breached prior to the issuance of contract confirmation by PacificLight.
Plan | DB Fuel Qualifier (USD$/bbl) | FX |
BP 12/24/36 | US$ 76.20 | 1.353 |
To be eligible, you must fulfill the following requirements,
1. Registered as an active non-domestic utilities account holder with MSSL accounts(s) if you purchase electricity from another retailer/at Wholesale Electricity Market or EBS account(s) if you purchase electriciy at regulated tariff from SP Group.
2. Average Monthly Usage no more than 20,000kWh.
If your average monthly usage is higher than 20,000 kWh, please contact us here.
1. Online Direct Debit Authorisation (iDDA) for those using personal banking accounts - DBS
2. Direct Debit (GIRO)
3. Visa/Mastercard (RCC)
- Monthly invoice amount will be charged to your card on the invoice date.
Please note that all sign-ups under BP12, BP24 and BP36 are automatically registered for e-billing.
If you require paper bills, each bill for each premise is chargeable at S$5 before GST.
The following third party charges are absorbed by PacificLight.
1. Use of System Charges, up to S$0.0646/kWh for Peak Period and up to S$0.0514/kWh for Off Peak Period
2. Market Development & System Charge, up to S$0.0019/kWh
3. Monthly Energy Uplift Charge (MEUC), up to S$0.002/kWh
4. EMC Administrative Charge
5. PSO Administrative Charge
6. Vesting Contract Debits/Credits
7. Allocated Regulation Charge
These are the charges borned by the Customer.
1. Meter Reading and Data Management Fee (MRDMF)
2. Communication Line for Remote Meter Reading/ AMI Meter Charge
3. Carbon Tax
4. Transmission Lost Factor (TLF)
5. Other non-recurring charges not listed herein, or are above the limits stated for Third Party Charges borne by the Retailer shall be borne by the Customer (if incurred).
6. Any new or increase charges arising from a change to the market structure including but not limited to a Forward Capacity Market (if incurred).
We are happy to have you onboard! Kindly prepare your latest 3 months' electricity bills, copy of NRIC, latest ACRA detailed Business Profile/BizFile and letter of authorisation (required if signatory is not an authorized officer according to ACRA listing).
Yes, Security deposit (SD) is calculated upon the account set-up with PacificLight and detailed in the contract. PacificLight reserves the right to review or adjust the SD following a credit evaluation of the Customer when there is any late payment or when the Customer’s method of payment changes to non-GIRO or non-RCC.
You can register your interest via the button above and wait for a sales representative to answer your enquiries. Alternatively, you can send your enquiries to [email protected].
Last Updated: 5 February 2025